60 FPS: Is it Enough for AAA Games in 2022?

When developing AAA video games, developers have to make some hard decisions, and sometimes there are trade-offs between different aspects of the game that can leave players wondering why certain choices were made. One such choice has been the frame rate in modern titles, which has almost always been locked at 60 FPS, even when the hardware could easily handle more. The question is, though, does anyone actually care? Is 60 FPS enough for AAA games?

60 FPS: Is it Enough for AAA Games in 2022?

What is Frames Per Second?

Frames per second (FPS) is the number of images that your computer can produce every second. The higher the number, the smoother your game will run. So, is 60 FPS enough for the most demanding games out there? Well, not really. But then again, no one wants to play those games at a lower frame rate than what they were designed for in the first place. We are more than happy with 60 FPS and think it’s more than enough!

How Many Frames per Second Do We Need For Good Quality?

The standard for gaming quality has always been 60 frames per second (FPS). However, with the release of the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 , some gamers are wondering if this is enough. 60 fps means that a game runs at an average of 16.7 milliseconds per frame. It would take a fast computer approximately .1 seconds to render each frame from scratch, which means that we need to process 3-4 frames every time the screen refreshes. If a game only does 20-30fps then there is going to be more input lag than if it does 60fps because games will be rendered less often or will have higher latency between rendering and displaying on screen. Lower frame rates mean longer response times and potential lagging. 

A lot of newer games still do not require 60fps to maintain a high level of graphical detail but older ones might. With new hardware coming out in 2020 such as the Nvidia RTX series cards, many users think that this new hardware will force developers to make better graphics with higher polygon counts which could lead to lower framerates in order to maintain visual fidelity.

How Many Frames per Second Do We Need For Good Quality?

What Happens When All Game Consoles Can Play at 60 FPS or More?

The market for game consoles is becoming increasingly competitive. With the release of the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5 , both of which can play games at 60 frames per second (FPS), the question must be asked: is 60 FPS enough for AAA games? In the case of many single-player games, it is entirely possible to make a great game that runs well at 30 FPS, so long as its world feels alive and responds to your every action. But in multiplayer or competitive games, where every split-second matters, there's no room for error. If you're playing an FPS with little lag, then jumping into one that has significantly more lag might mean death before you even know what happened. Likewise, if you're competing against other players who are all running at 60+ FPS while you're only able to achieve 20 FPS on your machine, it won't matter how good your aim is because they'll be able to kill you first.

60 FPS: Is it Enough for AAA Games in 2022?

However, not all developers prioritize high frame rates over graphics quality. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said a fast frame rate doesn't always translate into better gameplay, adding that if too much detail was sacrificed for higher framerates, players would stop noticing. Microsoft claims their console will have a faster performance than Sony's without sacrificing graphics quality, but gamers should beware before choosing between the two systems. The debate between resolution and framerate rages on; some prefer 4K visuals at 30 FPS while others want 1080p visuals at 60 FPS. Meanwhile, Nintendo believes 30 FPS is enough for all types of games, prioritizing fun above anything else.

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